More of 2 Dogs and Social Network Options

The howl of the 2 Dogs is slowly making its way out into the social network corners. Lots of questions are being asked of this new service. Below is a summary and introduction.

2Dogs Software is a full-service hosted white-label social networking solution for large, passionate communities. The 2Dogs solution enables companies to create a personal, customized space for its members to meet others that share their passion for specific activities and interests.

Social networking, by its very nature, strengthens the bond between your customers, increases their loyalty to a company, service or organization, invites new users into the fold, gives them multiple reasons to return to your site more often and stay longer.

The 2Dogs solution is virtually transparent to your customers and meets the same high standards that your customers have come to expect from your company/brand/organization. Our product offering includes UI customization, data integration, and localization in your choice of languages. Additionally, we provide your community with 24/7 IT support and community moderation (optional).

The strength of the 2Dogs solution lies in its easy to use user interface. Our Standard Product is easily used by those familiar with social networking and those new to it, and includes personal profiles, blogging, messaging, photo sharing, video upload, groups, forums, search, event listings and administrative controls.

Like our product, our pricing model is designed to meet your company’s needs. We offer our solution on a pure monthly service fee basis or on a combination monthly subscription fee and advertising revenue share basis. For companies looking to diversify their revenue streams and capitalize on the exploding online advertising marketplace, the combination monthly fee/ ad revenue share model is an attractive alternative.

Both the revenue share model and the monthly service fee include:
· Hosting
· Maintenance and support
· Upgrade
· Community moderation (optional).

Our pricing model requires an additional one-time set-up fee. This fee covers:
· UI customization
· Localization
· Data integration
· Customized email invitations, profile surveys and forums topics

In summary, implementing 2Dogs’ social networking solution is a cost-effective way of increasing your members’ passion for and commitment to your company. They will come more often, stay longer and spread their enthusiasm.

For more information contact:
Siewierski Consulting at 303.554.0222 or email us at

Social Networking Solution 2 Dogs Software & Siewierski Consulting

The rapid pace and many options are leaving many bewildered as the new frontier of social networking options explodes around us and our business. We have continued to experiment with the various forms and continue to have success with sites and services such as Blogger, You Tube, My Space, Flickr and others. Recently we were introduced to a new concept from 2 Dogs Software. This software plugs into your existing site and keeps the community and traffic within your site.

Several of our clients have been first to adopt this new approach and we will also use this as the foundation of My Mountain Sports Club which will launch later this summer as an extension of the Mountain Sports Club. WE so likes the service we are now proud to announce we will be acting as sales agents and representatives for 2 Dogs Software targeting the snowsports, travel and leisure and recreation market place.

Siewierski Consulting announces an agreement to act as sales agent and representatives for 2 Dogs Software. With an initial focus on the winter sports market, 2 Dogs deployed and implemented their new service last winter season with Pennsylvania Ski Areas Association at This link was promoted off the site to My Ski & Ride page. The new addition has been a rousing success with a very active audience posting pictures, videos, snow reports, music, inviting friends and increasing traffic to the site.

The new application simply and easily is plugged into clients existing site, keeping the look and feel and traffic within one’s existing site. Features and functionality include: photo galleries, videos, games, blogs, events, groups, music and more. Simply put this is the first application to blend so much functionality of social networking and enable a brand to present this community opportunity in a clean design replicating their existing brand message. Below are links to the newest sites we are releasing. click YourSpace click MySkiandRideSpace click links on top toolbar and see MySkiandRideSpace MySkiandRideSpace under announcements This is Sun and Ski. They are the second largest retailer in the ski industry for specialty items. Working on graphics and finalizing styling; launching this week.
With more and more options and choices available in the rapidly changing social networking space, companies are asking how many different applications can they manage and how do they most effectively bring these options and services into their brand experience. Businesses looking to utilize the features and large audience associated with social networks continue to add our service. New advertising opportunities abound in this rapidly growing network of sites.

Preview a demo at: or
Preview the Grand Prix demo:

For more information on setting up your resort own ski and ride community contact us at:

Siewierski Consulting
3360 Dover Drive
Boulder, CO 80305

More Ski and Snowboard Resorts commit to Siewierski Consulting Mail I Want Email Solution

Over the past three months more resorts nationwide continue to commit to The Mail I Want Siewierski Consulting emails agency solution. Continued inprovements in the permission based email solution enable clients ot include viral marketing features such as forward to a friend and personalized email messages with SC's Mail I Want Solution.

Continued clients who have renewed for the coming winter season and new cycle include Wild Mountain in Minnesota, Sunburst Ski Area in Wisconsin and Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire. Siewierski Consulting continues to provide self serve options and agency style support for their clients.

More and more clients see and acknowledge the need for more targeted emails and strategic plans, yet do not have the man power or experience in house. Siewierski Consulting continues to add value to all email solutions by bringing the wealth of over 12 years engaged in permission based email marketing. This service includes strategic consulting services, the ability to append and perform email appends as well to grow a better understanding of your customers and build one's email assets.