Online Trends - Luxury Market, Social Media ....

Given the current state of the economy a recent report showing the luxury market users growing online and looking for more value it is not a surprise. An article on eMarketer - "When the Going Gets Tough, the Rich Go Online. This is a shrinking market as more and more people has lost significant wealth. The market is also getting noisier requiring brands ot be more sophisticated in their online efforts.

“Luxury brand marketers must stay top-of-mind with wealthy Internet users by offering superior customer service, personalized products, and exclusive offers and invitations,” says Ms. Phillips. “Other marketers hoping to catch the affluents who are ‘trading down’ must raise the bar in their online efforts—not merely by advertising, but by explaining how their products or services fit in with the ‘new’ affluent lifestyle.”

For online retailers, keeping up with the Joneses will not be easy.

With the explosion in social media, continued fragmentation of traditional media with growing use of online technology as the primary communication vehicle, across demographic sectors marketers now more than ever need to be engaging and strategic on how they leverage assets, including content and knowledge to effectively maintain and gain customer business. While infatuation is currently a part of the social media landscape companies will be compelled to integrate with email, off line marketing efforts while being true to their brand. The luxury market may prove to be more demanding than most, but the rewards are significant.

Twitter Mania Still Growing. How do we measure???

Starting the week today I cannot help but notice the growing groundswell or mania and adoption of Twitter. Twitter is clearly the new darling on the media and online world. Being rapidly adopted by sports teams, personalities, traditional media, movie stars it is on its way to mainstream adoption.

A truly unique service the challenge has been how best to to integrate to help drive meaningful traffic that one can monetize, measure and use to drive profits and brand. Siewierski Consulting and others view email as one of the tools to be used in building the followers - (twitterese for subscribers) - and extending the relationship one has with customers and fans.

Just a couple a twitter feature articles I saw just this morning of interest -

A side phenomena of twitter mania is the rapid use of short urls. Today's New Times has an article on short urls and how quickly they are being adopted as well as the critical assistance they play in tracking links results from twitter.

DM News weekly issue has a front page article on how sports teams and fan are using and being attracted to Twitter.

Looking for help in integrating and using Twitter and social media for your company? Make sure to contact Siewierski Consulting at 303.554.0222. Visit us online at, our blog and at Twitter. Check our recently released social media integration and kick start promotion now available.

Siewierski Consulting Tweaks Blog Design

Yes, we recently updated and tweaked the design of our blog for Siewierski Consulting and client Mountain Sports Club. The new designs take into account the growing need to integrate social media and social network efforts and integrate them into design and navigation. The other goal has been to make the sites easier to use, making access to archived and recent articles quick and simple, as well as bring a new and cleaner brand image.

Twitter account, Facbook, My Space, blogs and Digg integration will become more consitent itn the branding and integration efforts with clients. The new Mountain Sports Club blog also has a new url representative of the base root url as well. The Mountain Sports Club twitter account is being used to anounce new posts of listings, deals and coupons as well as industry news and updates posted on the new blog.