World Violence needs to stop

This is a real simple post. We are living in a world that is losing respect for life and basic principles of respect for life. Ideologies and religions(questionable some of them IMHO) now are endorsing the executions of those who do not share the same beliefs. The concept of dialog and tolerance has been lost.

If we wish to survive on this planet as a species and actually thrive we must re learn tolerance and an acceptance for differences.

Please lets get beyond this senseless violence.

Welcome The Vortex Group from Alaska

We recently have had the pleasure of meeting and on boarding a new Lyris email client, The Vortex Group. A specialist in health care placement in Alaska for over a decade Jim Wilke and his nimble team make sure the remote regions are staffed with good and reliable health care professionals.

I must admit their approach to content is the most authentic non sale.promotion content I have ever seen in regular emails. Jim has done a great job building a loyal following by showing his authentic care and love of the land they live and work within.

Images showing how dry and snow starved the region has been and is this winter

The initial emails were an update and narrative on the Iditarod during this warm and snow less winter. Performance in terms of open rates and engagement is excellent and much above most performance benchmarks.