Email Append - Details and why??
In a recent email we had broadcast to our clients and prospects one of our readers sent an email asking us what was an email append service. She stated that she did not know what it was and felt there were most likely others in the same position. It was a classic example of us thinking you knew what we were talking about, and we came to discover this was not the case on this particular topic for a good number of the people we are communicating with via these emails.
Therefore, here we go in trying to bring better light and understanding to the service email append. The service is when a business has a mailing list of previous and exisiting customers and/or prospects that do not have corresponding emails to send permission based email and they wish to acquire that email and permission to communicate with the customer/prospect. The email append service takes your file of physical addresses and matches valid emails addresses that have agreed to be contected when a comnpany that has their mailing address requests to add their email address to the company's email subscriber list. They person receives an email informing them that you/the business has requested to add the email address and they then have the option to say NO, or opt out. Once this process has played through - usually 7 - 10 days, the list is updated with matched email addresses. The range of match goes from 15% to 30%.
We avereage around a 20% match rate. In this scenario if you had 50,000 mailing list records, you should be able to match close to 10,000 vaild emails. Costs run $250 per thousand matched records andthere is a minimum fee with a set-up charge. In the example above total costs are $2,800 or net $.28 a record. This leads to the question , "How much is a valid email address of your customer worth??" In most cases quite a bit more than $.28.
Please call us, at 303.829.1699, for any additional questions on email append, and to schedule your next append and build your email asset.
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