Monday, December 08, 2008
email marketing,
Email services,
permission based email marketing
We continue to focus on delivering and growing email campaigns with our customers. The importance of email is more and more obvious in an economic downturn as we are experiencing because only tactics and approaches that deliver are growing as opposed to being cut. The following are several key take aways from a recent Whitepaper from our email partner Exact Target.
Perhaps no drum has been beaten as loud and proud in email marketing circles as the Direct Marketing
Association’s annual finding that email delivers the highest return-on-investment (ROI) of any directmarketing tactic—online or off.5 In its 2008 survey, the DMA found that email generated $45.06 for every dollar spent. That’s an ROI of over two times that of other online marketing tactics surveyed and over six times that of catalog direct marketing.
So, according to the DMA, email delivers the most bang for your buck. As Ken Magill from Direct Magazine recently said, “[W]hile e-mail’s ROI far outpaces every other
channel, spending on it lags far behind, possibly because it remains primarily a retention vehicle and its deployment costs are far lower than other channels.”
Savvy email marketers understand that email deployment is only a small part of the investment required to do email right. The other key components for success are:
Personnel: Hiring and retaining knowledgeable, committed email marketing experts who are in it to build long-term results rather than pad their resumes with short-term gains.
Data Integration: Investing time and personnel in a strategy that brings website, point-of-sale, CRM, and response data together in a way that can be leveraged to make all email and one-to-one customer interactions more relevant, personal, and timely.
With data integration in place, your company will be able to introduce increasing levels of segmentation and personalization into your email marketing program. This effort will translate into email capable of honoring what we call “The Four Rights:”
The right message
Sent to the right person
At the right time
Through the right channel
In explaining this to your C-Suite, it is imperative that you demonstrate that personalization is about far more than beginning your email with, “Dear [Subscriber].” It is about using the information your subscribers share with you, combining it with data you know about them from point of sale, CRM systems, and previous online interactions, and then delivering content that actually aligns with their needs and interests.
Examples include:
Delivering account status information
Tailoring product content inclusions based on predictive or behavioral modeling
Populating email content based on abandoned cart contents or site search and browsing history
Moving individual subscribers to a less frequent email schedule based on explicit subscriber requests or automated response analysis
For a copy of the whitepaper or more information on our email services contact Siewierski Consulting at 303.554.0222.