Wow, More Mountain Sports Club Deals, Email Clients and Email Append

Wow is the feeling at the end of weeks like this. It is a good wow. The Mountain Sports Club is taking off as well, adding a variety of new resorts, vendors and merchants extending offers. Jackson Hole and soon to be Hunter. NY and Lake Tahoe. Next week we will turn live a profile registration process and soon sart promoting the service to consumers. I am running a more detailed blog regarding that community and project at -

MSC is successfully using the affiliate networks to build more vendors/merchant relationships. We have started with Share a Sale and have found them easy to work with and professional. Next week we will start working through the Commision Juction network and add merchants there. This is part of the strategy to blend commerce throughout the site in a relevant and contextual manner. I realize there are those who have down played the affiliate efforts, but in my expereince they have always proven to be valuable and a profitable efort. They really enable faster growth from both sides of the relationship - publisher or merchant. Send us your thoughts.

Several new Siewierski Consulting projects include an e-commerce effort with Skiers Peak an new online specialty retailer focussed on high end race products. The other exciting new project is a test project with the Van Heyst Group - a Boulder based think tank and events/conference company. We are working with them to improve email efforts - delivery, opens, follow up and lifting of conversion rates to conference/event bookings.

Several new email clients are also coming on board. I will post next week a more detailed description regarding email append. This has been prompted, as one email subscriber mentioned they did not know what the service and process was, and felt there were others readers in the same position. Given this response and how important I believe this is I will be posting in advance of an email on this and other topics. Stay tuned.

Now off to the mountains to escpape the heat. Steamboat here we come.

Have a great weekend,

John Siewierski